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Argiope Spider
Insects, Arachnids, Reptiles & Amphibians


A particularly eye-catching Arachnida is the Argiope spider. Taken in Thailand a common specimen there.

In Thai, the Argiope genus is called mang moom noong, and the most common species found here is the versicolour argiope, found in forests, orchards and where there is a good breeze..

This spider tends to have a variegated yellow, white, orange and/or reddish brown striped pattern on its abdomen, and a bi-coloured pattern extending onto it is legs, which tend to be in pairs, making it appear to have four legs, and which is formed like an X.

Spider | Insect | Yellow | Black | White | Thailand | Tree

Argiope Spider - Insects, Arachnids, Reptiles & Amphibians, Spider | Insect | Yellow | Black | White | Thailand | Tree