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Asparagus Flowerhead


Asparagus officinalis has a long history of use as a medicinal plant. Dioscorides, a first century Greek physician, recommended extracts of asparagus root for treatment of urinary and kidney problems, jaundice and sciatica.

Asparagus is a widely grown seasonal vegetable that has been cultivated for thousands of years. This and a few other species of the genus are still harvested from the wild in parts of the Mediterranean.Asparagus officinalis was later mentioned in Gerard’s Herbal and was thought to ‘cleanse without manifest heat and dryness’ and ‘increase seed and stir up lust’.

Plant | Flower | Vegetable | White | Medicinal | Mediterranean | Macro

Asparagus Flowerhead, Plant | Flower | Vegetable | White | Medicinal | Mediterranean | Macro