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Carpenter Bee
Insects, Arachnids, Reptiles & Amphibians


The blue carpenter bee, Xylocopa violacea, is one of the so called solitary bees found in southern and central Europe. It is about 25 mm long, glossy black all over with sparse black hairs. The opaque wings are dark brown with a lilac-coloured sheen.

They will often be seen going in and out of holes looking for suitable wood in which to make their egg chambers, in doing so they will examine anything that resembles a hole, even in concrete posts.

Insect | Wing | Winged | Black | Blue | Bee | Flower | Fly

Carpenter Bee - Insects, Arachnids, Reptiles & Amphibians, Insect | Wing | Winged | Black | Blue | Bee | Flower | Fly