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Cherry Duck


An unusually shaped vegetable is a vegetable or fruit that has grown into an unusual shape not in line with the normal body plan. While some examples are just oddly shaped, others are heralded for their amusing appearance, often because they resemble a body part such as the buttocks.

In the European Union, recent attempts to introduce legislation prohibiting the sale of misshapen fruit and vegetables were defeated. The proposed "uniform standardisation parameters" would have applied to straight bananas and curved cucumbers, as well as to more extreme cases such as carrots with multiple "legs", or fused fruit.
The main concern for opponents of the proposed legislation was the ethical question of the wastage it would have generated if growers were forced to discard up to 20% of their crop, produce that was nutritionally identical to more regularly shaped specimens.

Duck | Cherry | Fruit | Sweet | Red | Food | Edible | Tree

Cherry Duck, Duck | Cherry | Fruit | Sweet | Red | Food | Edible | Tree

Cherry Duck, Duck | Cherry | Fruit | Sweet | Red | Food | Edible | Tree