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Wisteria are vigorous, twining vines that bloom in spring with huge, cascading flower clusters.

The charms of wisteria are almost impossible to resist. Lounging languorously over a fence or pergola, she will beckon to you with her heady perfume. Before you know it, her nodding, pendulous blooms have hypnotized you. Soon you are rushing to the nearest garden center, determined to own her, but be warned. Wisteria has a mind of her own.

Marco Polo was an early conquest. He brought wisteria seeds out of China in the 13th century. But you would be wise to take the time to get to know this beauty before you commit to her. Like a Jezebel she will steal your heart and then, after you are weakened and besotted with love, she will set about to dominate your garden and, if possible, your house.

Lilac | Flower | Vine | Purple | Green | House | Water

Wisteria - Flowers, Lilac | Flower | Vine | Purple | Green | House | Water